Ephemeral Token Processing
online, in person,
over-the-phone, by email,
instant messaging, tap, or scan.
Endless possibilities
from a versatile platform
Core technology that solves one problem
very well.
Vaiu Global is a software company with expertise and core specialization in solving one problem: how do you protect personal and account credentials in the conveyance of information and transfer of value?
The solution: Vaiu Ephemeral Tokens
The company offers a high-performance real-time database implementing the semantics of an “ephemeral token,” defined below.
Read on to learn about ephemeral tokens, cash-like digital transactions, and the architecture, protocol, and use-cases for ephemeral tokens serving banks, businesses, people, and devices.
Ephemeral Tokens
A Vaiu Ephemeral Token is a token that exists for the duration needed to conduct a transfer of value between two authenticated entities.
Ephemeral tokens transfer value, convey information, and trigger cloud functions.
The Vaiu tokenBase
The Vaiu tokenBase software engine creates, validates, executes, and expunges Vaiu Ephemeral Tokens. This high-performance engine is built for scale and real-time processing of millions of tokens per second.
Read on to learn more about ephemeral tokens, cash-like digital transactions (#CLDT), and the architecture, protocol, and use-cases for ephemeral tokens serving banks, businesses, people, and devices.
The Architecture
The existing common architecture for card-payment processing, A2A or account-to-account transactions, bank transfers, and wallet app payments are rooted in an architecture from the 1980s. This current architecture is being challenged by a new one called, DLT, or distributed ledger technology. Software to operate a Blockchain is a key component in DLT.
Vaiu Global offers an alternative to the status quo and to DLT/Blockchain.
The firm’s novel architecture builds on the existing trust hierarchy of national cash infrastructures, namely the power bestowed onto a government by its people, from the government to a central bank, and on to retail commercial banks. A central trusted Token Resolution Service handles all token routing and validations, while the ephemeral tokens are themselves created at banks.
The Protocol
“ ..closest I have seen to replicating the time-honored features of hard cash in digital format”
The existing common protocol for card-payment processing, A2A or account-to-account transactions, bank transfers, and wallet app payments is rooted in the send mail protocol from the 1980s. The Protocol works with a sender, a receiver, and an “amount.” This current protocol is being challenged by a new one called, DLT, or distributed ledger technology. Software to operate a Blockchain is a key component in DLT.
Vaiu Global offers an alternative to the status quo and to DLT/Blockchain.
This novel protocol is the closest to how physical cash is transferred.
The Protocol is based on three distinct independent steps: Withdraw, Give, and Deposit.
Human-centric design
Vaiu Ephemeral Tokens are designed for humans. Each token is made of common characters that you can read, write, and speak.
For conversational UI, voice-based interactions, remote and e-commerce transactions, Vaiu Ephemeral Tokens offer the simplest uniform user experience that protects user identity and precious credentials such as government issued identifiers, account and phone numbers, email, name, and address.
One User Experience across all channels and media
We are trailblazing. Join the movement to standardize around a unified UX changing the ubiquitous send-to paradigm of payment systems to the cash-like paradigm of withdraw, give, and deposit.
Financial transactions through the ages
Money has been evolving for thousands of years. Transactions, trade, the exchange of goods and services for value, this human activity has been improved with technology through the ages.
Over 500 years ago, the printing press ushered in the possibility of bank notes that could be printed and distributed. Bank notes improved metal coins by reducing weight, simplifying the creation process, and thereby greatly expanding financial inclusion.
At no time, however, have technology, policy, laws, and human behavior evolved as rapidly as since the 1950s. We see a series of technologies changing our needs for laws and policies. Each step has created new markets, new opportunities, and new social norms and expectations. Most recently, the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and crypto-currencies has rocked the economy. From a technology perspective, Blockchain, underpinning “crypto” and Stablecoins, has captured the imagination and attention of bankers.
We see a different path forward. We see a path carved