Below are answers to some of the more common questions we’ve received. If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
How do I start selling with Vaiu?
Simply sign up at app.vaiu.io. You will be able to accept payments immediately. To complete the sign-up, onboard as a seller via Stripe to create your Stripe Connect ID, and you’ll be able to transfer your collected payments into your bank account.
I want to stop giving strangers my personal information. How do I start using Vaiu Cash Codes to pay?
To start paying with Vaiu Cash Codes, protecting your identity, and assuring certainty of payment, check with your bank to see if the Vaiu digital ATM is coming soon to you. In the meanwhile, if your bank does not yet have the Vaiu digital ATM for cash code generation, you can pay with your bank or credit card, or with PayPal, using app.Vaiu.io
What is a Vaiu Ephemeral Token
Vaiu ephemeral tokens are short-lived centrally managed tokens issued by an authority with legitimacy for its creation.
What are examples of legitimate authorities?
When it comes to money, a legitimate authority is, for example, a bank, an insurance company, a central Bank, a Telco, or a national post office.
For Vaiu Signature Tokens or Attestation Tokens, a legitimate authority is, for example, a government agency, a utility company, an insurance company, a national post office.
Is your company a bank?
No, Vaiu Global is a software provider.
Does your platform handle money?
No, we are a technology platform that enables smart money and improves user experiences with payments. We leave the handling of money to banks and other financial institutions.
What is conditioned acceptance?
You can create money with Vaiu™ with constraints. For example, you can set a geographic boundary (Paris), and a time (Tuesday afternoon), and anything else (e.g. if it is raining in San Diego).
What do you mean by "cash-like"?
When we transact with cash, we do not share our credentials. We do not give one another a credit-card number, a phone number, an email address or any other identification. We can leave cash behind on a table and walk away to pay for a restaurant meal. We can put cash in an envelope and send it to whoever we would like. We can give cash to anyone.
A cash-like credit-card transaction is one that uses the Vaiu UX and ephemeral token to make a payment charging a credit card.
Additionally, on the infrastructure side, whereas credit cards cost money to process, cash is accepted at no extra cost to the merchant. There is also no processing fee imposed on the payer by the receiver. There is generally zero risk associated with accepting it. Credit and debit cards come with a fee associated with some level of risk and some cost of processing the payment.
Is Vaiu as secure as a credit or debit card transaction?
It is actually more secure. Not only is the Vaiu code generated on the fly which means it cannot be reused, but you can also specify that the code only be used for a certain transaction, for example, from a particular merchant or during a specific time window.
Why not just use cash?
Vaiu™ is cash. But you may be wondering, “why not use banknotes?” Banknotes are physical; too physical. They cost a lot to create, store, transport, secure, count, and to get. When was the last time you went to an ATM because you had to get banknotes? Did you enjoy the experience?
Additionally, banknotes are not useful for e-commerce transactions. In person, you may not always have cash on hand, may not want to stop by the ATM or simply not want to carry banknotes around. Furthermore, merchants discourage cash as it slows down the payments process during peak periods (looking for change, making change) and merchants need additional provisions to manage cash.